百望讲坛(32)|波兰科学院Michal Matuszewski教授作报告



◆ 第32期 ◆

【时间】2022-Sep-7(Wednesday)15:00 (Beijing time)

【线上会议】Zoom Meeting ID: 662 921 9901

【报告人】Michal Matuszewski   Professor, Institute of Physics Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Poland

【主持人】Sanjib Ghosh Associate Research Scientist, BAQIS

【题目】Efficient optical computing with exciton-polaritons


Photonic information processing benefits from high speed, parallelization, low communication losses, and high bandwidth. We recently demonstrated hardware neural network systems where strong optical nonlinearity results solely from interactions of exciton-polaritons, quantum superpositions of light and matter. Such superpositions, in the form of mixed quasiparticles of photons and excitons, are characterized by excellent photon-mediated transport properties and strong exciton-mediated interactions. These semiconductor microcavity systems can be used to construct fully all-optical neural networks characterized by extremely high energy efficiency. We show why using polaritonics in place of standard nonlinear optical phenomena, is the key to achieving such a performance.


Prof. Michal Matuszewski obtained his PhD in theoretical Physics in 2007 from the University of Warsaw. This was followed by a 3-year postdoctoral position at the Australian National University. In 2010 he returned to Warsaw where he established a polariton theory group. He is currently appointed as a Professor in the Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. His interests include nonlinear phenomena in semiconductor exciton-polariton systems and in quantum fluids, and optical neural networks.